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  • Writer's pictureJun Yue

Google Data Analytics Professional Certificate: Worth it or Not?

I didn’t expect too much but just wanted to add a new lens through which to see the world; the courses turned out to be really informative, practical, systematic, and inspiring.

10/10 would recommend.🤓

The courses are hosted on Coursera. Go through this link, and then search for the keywords “Google Data Analytics“. You can take your first course for free through the link.

Below are the six main reasons I highly recommend the courses:

  1. Lays a Systematic Foundation for Data Analytics

  2. Provides Abundant Hands-on Practicing Resources

  3. Awards Professional Certificate Credentials from Google

  4. Follows Well-Structured Curriculum to Ensure Learning Progress

  5. Includes a Capstone Data Project that can be included in portfolio

  6. Has Lifelong Access to Career Resources and Learning Community

If you are curious about the learning process or have any relevant questions, I am glad to share with you my experience.


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