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同声传译「系列讲座:青年和平教育、 北非与中东冲突与和平、埃及历史社会文化」(共三场)

Writer's picture: Jun YueJun Yue

Mr. Jun Yue served as a Mandarin-English simultaneous interpreter for the lecture and workshop series given by Mr. Khaled Emam, human rights lawyer in Egypt and the Executive Manager of the Arab Program for Human Rights Activists (APHRA). More information about the speaker is available here through the link.

These are the topics covered in lectures and workshops from May 3rd to 16th, 2019, on Peace Boat 101st global voyage, as the MV Ocean Dream was navagating from Penang, Malaysia to Port Said, Egypt.

  1. Informal Peace Education for Youth – Experiences from the Middle East and North Africa

  2. Global Partnership for the Prevention of Armed Conflict (GPAAC)

  3. Human Rights, Peace and Conflict in Egypt

  4. Justice Call for Rights and Development

  5. Egyptian History, Culture and Society


讲者:Khaled Emam先生,埃及人权律师,阿拉伯人权活动人士项目行政经理。讲者更多信息见此链接


  1. 面向青年的非正式和平教育 – 中东与北非的经验

  2. 预防武装冲突全球合作组织(GPAAC)

  3. 埃及的人权、和平与冲突研究

  4. 人权与发展正义召集组织

  5. 埃及历史、文化与社会

时间与地点:和平之船第101次环球航行 马来西亚槟城至埃及塞得港航段(2019年5月3日-16日)

One of the moments…captured from the angle of a surveillance camera…

The team of simultaneous interpreters for the lecture & workshop series: Japanese<>English, Mandarin<>English

Selfie with the speaker at the lecture hall after a successful event.



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