For the Commencement Speeches at the Graduation Ceremony of Sino-U.S. Class 2018, Wuhan Foreign Language School (WFLS), Mr. Jun Yue served as Mandarin-English consecutive interpreter.
The students and teachers there all speak English fluently, and the interpreter service aimed to make sure all the participating parents, relatives & friends of those graduates can understand as well.
May 19, 2018 Wuhan, China
2018年5月29日 中国武汉
#speaker #长沙 #workshop #University #Chinese #school #海南 #interpreting #seminar #广州 #ceremony #China #commencement #交替传译 #English #同声传译 #speeches #negociation #武汉 #Changsha #education #译员 #交传 #US #Mandarin #同传 #Hainan #深圳 #云南 #Wuhan #Yunnan #会议口译 #translator #interpreter #translation #graduation #Conference