For the public diplomacy lecture of the U.S. Consulate Wuhan – “Perceiving Hawaii through its Languages, Music and Culture“,
Mr. Jun Yue served as Mandarin-English consecutive interpreter and bilingual MC.He was also responsible for the event’s planning, promotion and implementing.
The speaker of the lecture was the Management Officer of the Consulate – Mr. Kevin Fisher.
The lecture has been given twice at two venues with different audiences:
Sep. 15, 2017 The 403 International Arts Center, Wuhan, China
May 26, 2017 The Theater of the Zall Bookstore, Wuhan, China
岳军先生为本场活动担任中英文交替传传译译员及双语主持人,并负责此活动的策划、推广与执行。(2017年9月15日 中国武汉)
2017年9月15日中国武汉 403国际艺术中心
2016年5月26日中国武汉 卓尔书店三楼剧场
More information about the event:
