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Jun Yue works to ensure language access at a hospital in NYC, where he brings his expertise in translation & interpreting, program management, and health equity advocacy to the forefront. Holding an MA in Translation & Interpreting from Hong Kong Polytechnic University, he is nationally certified (CHI™-Mandarin) in the United States by the Certification Commission for Healthcare Interpreters (CCHI).

With over a decade of professional experience, Jun has contributed to and collaborated with diverse public and private sectors on various agendas. His background encompasses significant roles at a U.S. Consulate General in China, where he orchestrated cultural diplomacy programs, fostering public engagement. As a former Fulbright Scholar at a prestigious liberal arts college in the US and a lecturer at a top 10 university in mainland China, he devoted over six years to teaching Chinese-English interpreting & translating, as well as Chinese & English as foreign languages.

Jun's accolades include multiple teaching excellence awards while he worked at the University, and the US Diplomatic Mission to China's Eagle Award and Honor Award for outstanding contribution & performance during his tenure at the public affairs section of the US Consulate General.

Outside his professional sphere, Jun has actively engaged in volunteerism for social causes. Serving as a Communication Coordinator for Peace Boat, a Japan-based international NGO, underscores his commitment to promoting peace, human rights, and sustainability through global outreach.

During his leisure time, he enjoys biking, kayaking, ukulele playing, swing dancing, and nurturing his passion for jazz, new age music, and language acquisition.

岳军,中英文会议口译员,美国CCHI认证医疗口译员(CHI™-Mandarin);现任职于纽约市某医院医学中心,负责管理与协调医疗口译与语言支持项目,涵盖语言达118种;2010年毕业于香港理工大学,获翻译与传译(传译专业)硕士学位;华中科技大学翻译系讲师(2011-16),获多项省级教学竞赛冠军;湖北省五一劳动奖章获得者(2012); 英国剑桥大学丘吉尔学院访问学者(2013暑期);中美富布莱特项目访问学者(2014-15);曾任职于美国驻武汉总领事馆(2016-2018),负责推动美国与中国华中地区在文化、教育与学术等方面的交流与合作,获美国驻华使团英雄奖(Eagle Award, 2017)与荣誉奖(Honor Award, 2018);2019年参加日本国际NGO和平之船环球航行,推动和平、人权与联合国可持续发展目标(UN SDGs),足迹达至世界六大洲。

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